Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week #4

Due to lack of rain, the people were unable to plant their crops. So now, instead of taking care of their fields everyone is busy with "downtime" kind of work. 

These girls are pounding rice off the stalk. Its a long, hard process...not what I would consider "downtime" work.

Those who could also harvested coffee beans to roast and take out to a nearby town to sell.

Shannon was kept super busy being wife, mom and culinary arts teacher. Here she is teaching her helper how to make bread.

Jessica came from Canada to teach the Talbot children, but she also helped out anywhere she could.

No, Mom, I am most definitely NOT standing on a rickety plank suspended between two rickety stacks of lumber...I would never do that. :)

Miraculously, I managed to not drill a hole through my foot. Thankfully, X marks the spot.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week #3

Visitors!! Ok, so strictly speaking all these people did not visit just in week #3. But, they have all visited in the last month. :) The Canapp Inn is hopping!

The week before Shannon and I came in, Ed Esau (white hat) and Don Epp came for a visit. Ed is a NTM Rep from Canada, Don is a fellow missionary working further up north. Between Chuck and Erik is Grant Bayfield, (also a missionary in the Philippines) he had some downtime on his hands and came to help out for a few weeks.

Adam and Robert came during week 3 straight from the icy Canadian winter! They were a tremendous help and blessing. 

Of course not all visitors come that far. The kids loved any book that I would have in my hand. Hopefully this will be my future Sunday school class.

Sometimes we would get the chance to be the visitor. Shannon, Jessica (the Tablot's teacher) and myself went to visit Mildred (below) who just gave birth a couple days before. 

Last but not least...
As us women and kids packed up and left, these guys came in. Alistair, Dave, and Tosh came from New Zealand to lend a hand. Bob (far right) is a support missionary here and basically helps out anywhere needed. 

What  blessing it has been to have so many helping hands in these past few weeks!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week #2

Hi ho Hi ho its off to work we go!

A little over a year ago the people of Community Bible Church of Gordonville, PA gave a love offering to the Ga'Dang team. Their generous gift made it possible for us to purchase a thickness planer.


When your lumber comes out of the jungle and not Home Depot you are very thankful to have a planer.

Here is what has been done so far with the Talbot's house. Amazing progress!

This wonderful gift has been a tremendous blessing to have, so a big thank you once again from the Ga'Dang team to the wonderful people in Gordonville!