These past few months have brought a lot of changes to the Ga'Dang team. As you know the Ga'dang team consists of; Chuck and Shannon Talbot, Erik and Dana Peterson and myself. We all went through language study together, went on surveys together and moved up north together. We talked and envisioned ourselves 30 years down the road still working away in the tribe.
However, our plans are not always (very rarely) God's plans. Over the last few months God has been directing and leading Erik and Dana into a new ministry. In order to have missionaries in the tribe you need to have the support personnel to keep them there. If one man in support is doing the job of 3 people, it isn't enough. Erik and Dana have been asked to help out in support roles. On one hand its hard to see your friends leave for a new job but on the other hand its exciting to see how clearly God has led them.
Where does that leave the Ga'Dang team? We are still pushing on, but we would ask for prayer for more partners. We need people to fill in the gap just as Erik and Dana fill the gap in support ministry.
Not only does the Ga'Dang team need more workers, the Philippines need more workers. Please pray that God would raise up people skilled in support roles and people to plant churches.
Are you willing to go?