So its been well over a year since I've last posted anything here. Believe it or not, it was a bit on purpose.
You see, a lot has been happening in my life this last year and a bit, but the main gist is that I've discovered that my plans aren't always God's plans. So, who wins?
If you're fairly compliant God wins and it doesn't take much convincing. If you are rather a bit thicker headed and denser than others its takes a bit more work for God to make things clear.
When I enrolled into New Tribes Bible Institute I knew it was for missionary training. As I learned more and more about tribal missions it seemed obvious that was where I was headed. I never even really considered the possibility that God would have something else in mind for me.
Fast forward 10 years, I've studied the National language, built my house in the village, started tribal language study and.....God moved me.
I can't say I completely understand, sometimes I understand very little. but what I do know is that God has led me all along the way. I also know the He will always lead me, and wherever He directs is the very best place to be.
Right now, He's placed me here in a support role as the Supply Buyer and Guesthouse hostess. Some days I ask God why He would take me away from the Ga'dang. I know He wants them to hear the Gospel and I am willing to go. Other days, I see His wisdom and see how He has equipped me for the great ministry He has given me here.
Will I do this forever? Will I return to the Ga'dang? Who knows? I'm learning that life isn't from Point A to Point B. I know that He has truly blessed me by allowing me to serve here. I will serve here in this role until He tells me otherwise. His plans.