Monday, March 24, 2008


Going to the clinic every week Dana and I see some rather sad cases. Last week a mother brought in her two sons. The younger had an ugly burn on his thigh and the older looked sickly. Well, skinny, lifeless and coughing would be a better description. Since Dana and I are in the process of learning we examine the patients after the Dr does. So the older boy had his belly rubbed, ears examined and chest listened to three times. Did he object? Cry or fidget? Nope. His chart showed that he had lost 2 kilos in 2 months (5 pounds). As you know a growing child should never be losing weight. A chest x-ray was ordered just to confirm the dr's diagnosis. On the way out the mom mentioned that the younger had the same cough, so he got a chest x-ray too. One week later the x-rays were brought back, and it confirmed that they did indeed have TB. The mom then said that their uncle who lives with them and cares for the children has TB. In the one weeks time the older boy had gained 2 kilos and the ribs of his chest weren't as pronounced. Its one thing to see stuff on TV and another to sit in front of this child and listen to his chest.
But praise the Lord he and his brother are on medicine and should make a full recovery. Its not all sad stuff, we will get to know these guys as they come in for follow ups and see how they progress. Maybe one day they will know who Jesus is and what He did for them.

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