Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week #1

And we're off!!!! Sort of. 
Jan 26th dawned grey, cloudy and rainy. The truck that was to take us in to the tribe was about 2 hours late. Rain tends to dampen your enthusiasm about riding on an open backed truck, or hiking. If we knew then what we know now, we would have been grateful for every drop that fell. That was the last rainfall this area has had in the last 5 weeks! The crops never got planted, the wells are periodically running dry and the dam nearby is dangerously low.

When the truck broke down about 45 minutes away from the village, the kids and I hiked the last little bit. Hungry bellies tend to trump a free ride. :-) 

As we walked in, it was nice to look around and get the sense that this was becoming a familiar neighborhood. It didn't seem so "tribally" (if that is even a word). It's good to be back.

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