You want to learn the language and culture of another people group?
Well, then you had better get out to where the people are and do what they do, experience what they experience and build relationships.
I would prefer to "study" language at a desk and when I'm fluent then go and hang out...but that doesn't really work.
So, off I went asking my language helper if we could pound rice together.
To be completely accurate, she pounded rice, I knocked a lot of rice out of the atong.
She winnowed the rice and I threw the rice in the air.
She pounded it the second time and I tried to find a grip that didn't touch any of my new blisters. She winnowed again, telling me (kindly) that it would be faster if she would just do it.
I went home with some nice blisters, a few words and a much deeper appreciation of what her everyday life is like.
When we sat down the next day to talk about what we did, it was amazing to discover all that things you can say about pounding rice!
What can you say about pounding rice? :-)
I love this!!!! This post reminds me of a book called "Have We No Rights?" by Mabel Williamson. Have we no rights to a "normal" life, one that we are used to? How effective can we be if we don't get outside, live like they live, do what they do, talk like they talk, eat like they eat, pound rice like they pound rice? This is so fabulous. It's all about learning and sharing and growing and getting our hands dirty. You did good today. Very good.
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