Friday, June 7, 2013

God provides....always

Hi there!
     God is in control, God provides all things in His time, there is nothing too small for Him.  These are all true statements but how often do we really believe? These past few months have been, yet again, a growing time. A time to be stretched. While its been challenging its also been amazing to see all the great things God has blessed me with. Our support staff here in Northern Luzon were trucking along working hard, when we were asked to find a venue to host our annual regional conference. It was a hard job but we took a weekend trip and checked out a potential place a few hours north of our base. The fact that we had beautiful clear blue water to snorkel in was an added bonus. It was definitely a much needed break for all of us that God knew about and provided a way.

     God also provided later, when we lost a couple shortly after Easter. Our bookkeeper and maintenance man found out that her brother in law passed away suddenly. They found out on Sunday and by Wednesday their house had been packed up, things stored, exit visas provided and they were boarding a plane in Manila to go home to help the family. Everything fell into place to allow them to leave quickly and be home in time for the funeral.

     The family's gain is our loss. Our support staff is now down to 3 people trying to do 6 jobs. Our pilot has taken on the maintenance as best he can while also flying and maintaining the helicopter. I've taken on the bookkeeping in addition to guesthouse managing and supply buying. We are in serious need of more personnel to help here. Please be praying that God would raise up the right people to step in and be a part of the team here.

     While the heli was getting some routine maintenance done, a rather large problem was discovered. It now looks like we won't have air service to the tribal locations for several months. As you can imagine this has a huge affect on getting supplies to and people out of these locations. It looks like we will be sending stuff in over land by jeep and water buffalo and by sea using local boats. Please be praying for our tribal missionaries as they need to be in their locations doing what God has them there for. Be praying that the parts/engine can be ordered, delivered and installed with no delay in customs or other paperwork.

     Faced with situations like this we can either worry, or choose to believe that God is in control, God provides all things in His time, there is nothing too small for Him. Please be praying with us while we look to see how He will provide. For anyone interested in possibly joining our team here you can email me.


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