Here they are! The UK summit team!
We're so thankful to have Emma, Abi, Luke, Alison, Lawrence, Alex, Heather, Caleb, David, Norman, Angela, and Tabea here to help with the water project.
Erik was able to take some time off from the Finance office and go in with the team! He was a huge blessing and was encouraged to be back with old friends.
Smitty was able to take time off of Tagalog study to come help. Thank you for your servant's heart!
It was a huge task and everyone helped out! At least those not leaning on their shovels. :-)
Mixing cement is hard, hot and heavy work!
This tank collects the water from the spring and then sends it down to the village. Having a holding tank allows a better flow and supply.
Trenches were dug everywhere to lay the pipe. Leaving the pipe exposed would be disastrous given all the water buffalo, pigs and horses that walk around.
More and more trenches being dug. The team did an awesome job!
Carabao were used to dig a beginning trench to break up the sod.
They're called water buffalo for a reason. These guys need to stay cool or else they can't work.
God provided His own version for cooling off the team! :-)
The final product! Thank you team for all your work!
We're so thankful to see the people have good, clean, safe water to use!
Thank you for your part is seeing this project completed!